Choosing Parameters


You can probably just use argon2.PasswordHasher with its default values and be fine. But it’s good to double check using argon2-cffi’s CLI client, whether its defaults are too slow or too fast for your use case.

Finding the right parameters for a password hashing algorithm is a daunting task. As of September 2021, we have the official Internet standard RFC 9106 to help use with it.

It comes with two recommendations in section 4, that (as of argon2-cffi 21.2.0) you can load directly from the argon2.profiles module: argon2.profiles.RFC_9106_HIGH_MEMORY (called “FIRST RECOMMENDED”) and argon2.profiles.RFC_9106_LOW_MEMORY (“SECOND RECOMMENDED”) into argon2.PasswordHasher.from_parameters().

Please use the CLI interface together with its --profile argument to see if they work for you.

If you need finer tuning, the current recommended best practice is as follow:

  1. Choose whether you want Argon2i, Argon2d, or Argon2id (type). If you don’t know what that means, choose Argon2id (argon2.low_level.Type.ID).

  2. Figure out how many threads can be used on each call to Argon2 (parallelism, called “lanes” in the RFC). They recommend 4 threads.

  3. Figure out how much memory each call can afford (memory_cost). The APIs use Kibibytes (1024 bytes) as base unit.

  4. Select the salt length. 16 bytes is sufficient for all applications, but can be reduced to 8 bytes in the case of space constraints.

  5. Choose a hash length (hash_len, called “tag length” in the documentation). 16 bytes is sufficient for password verification.

  6. Figure out how long each call can take. One recommendation for concurrent user logins is to keep it under 0.5 ms. The RFC used to recommend under 500 ms. The truth is somewhere between those two values: more is more secure, less is a better user experience. argon2-cffi’s current defaults land with ~50ms somewhere in the middle, but the actual time depends on your hardware.

    Please note though, that even a verification time of 1 second won’t protect you against bad passwords from the “top 10,000 passwords” lists that you can find online.

  7. Measure the time for hashing using your chosen parameters. Start with time_cost=1 and measure the time it takes. Raise time_cost until it is within your accounted time. If time_cost=1 takes too long, lower memory_cost.

argon2-cffi’s CLI will help you with this process.


Alternatively, you can also refer to the OWASP cheatsheet.